
Please optimise my CV for this job advertisement.
Alle Jobs an einem Ort

All Jobs - one place

Our platform gives candidates access to a wide range of job offers from different industries and companies. This increases the chance of finding the perfect job that matches individual skills, interests and career goals.

Effizientes Job match

Efficient job match

Our AI features enable candidates to make their job search more efficient. E.g. AI assists candidates in creating application documents such as cover letters, resumes, and references, and provides tips for optimization.

Infos über Unternehmen

Company information

Our AI delves into ex-workers' reviews, offering comprehensive insights into company culture, history, and more, empowering candidates' informed choices. Get the inside scoop on your potential employer with ease.

What does jobMentor.ai offer

Job Matching


Summarize job ads

Job Matching


Interview Preparation

Career planning tool

Summarize job ads

CV Optimization

Job matching through AI

Based on your experience and interest, our AI suggests the most suitable positions

Automated application preparation

Our AI supports candidates in the preparation of application documents. It provides templates and automatically generates suitable texts based on the candidate’s uploaded information.

Summarized job ads

Our AI summarizes job ads so you can filter out the most important information and speed up your job search.

And many more functions...

Discover an array of powerful features tailored to enhance your job search experience. Unleash your potential on our platform!
